Glycine is one of the essential amino acids which in the human organism is mainly responsible for the relay function of nerve signals. Thanks to it, we are also more focused and we can memorize things more easily. It also turns out that glycine shows effective action in maintaining the proper state of joints and skeleton. Moreover, glycine accelerates wound healing and reduces inflammation. Spanish scientists present the results of his research, conducted in the form of in-vitro.
In one experiment, the researchers used cells in the articular cartilage, which is responsible, among others, for the production of collagen type 2. We found that a dose of about 10 g efficiently stimulates the synthesis of collagen type 2.
In another study, the researchers re-set the cells to the joint cartilage with two other amino acids. It turned out that the proline also proved to be effective in those actions. Such benefits are also assigned to lysine.
Glycine, however had much more potential in improving collagen synthesis than lysine and proline.
To understand why glycine works so effectively, we must know that this is an amino acid that is essential for the synthesis of collagen, so it’s high enough consumption in the diet is necessary.
Its addition will be responsible not only for the regeneration of articular cartilage. It is also an important element which will strengthen the skeletal system and counteract inflammatory within the musculoskeletal system.
A person weighing about 70 kg in total, requires about 10 g of glycine per day. Its amount will increase with body weight a training person. So it may be that the trainee weighing about 100 kg requires about 15 g of glycine every day.
It is worth investing in supplements, which in its composition will have not only the additives typically aimed at supporting the joints, but also amino acids that will affect the synthesis of collagen. The addition of glycine may be crucial if your joints aren’t working properly or if you feel weakened.