The World’s Worst and Best Weight-loss Advisers
When we talk about fitness coaches or anyone who gives advice on strength and conditioning, the main parameter we use for measuring our level of trust to this person is his or her physicality. These are the people who you should trust the least and those who you might want to listen instead.
To everyone’s surprise, the least knowledgeable athletes on the weight loss are the fittest ones. Biologists, bodybuilders and fans of the fitness community classifies them as ectomorphs. They are representatives of one of the 3 common human body types.
Ectomorphs are people who usually have long body and don’t weight much by nature. Often times they can be described as skinny or lean whenever they are out of shape or not ripped to their fullest potential. Ectomorphs usually have the best stamina in the wide field of diverse cardio exercises (swimming, cycling, jogging). Mainly because of their lightweight, which makes them not the best powerlifters, but natural born sprinters and/or long-distance runners.
During their life journey, vast majority of ectomorphs never had to distance themselves from extra calories to look fit. And all in all, they don’t have to make serious efforts in order to stay in a normal shape. Furthermore, most of the time they are having big trouble at gaining any weight. But it is extremely easy for them to lose the muscular weight and decrease their body fat percentage. When they get into shape, their bodies have the best relief and peculiar vein visibility. And that is exactly what makes them mistakenly trustworthy on the topic of weight-loss tips. For that reason, instead of listening to ectomorph’s take on the issue, it would be a lot wiser to take notes from person with complete opposite body structure – endomorph.
Endomorphs don’t look as sharp as their opposites, but they look bigger and stronger than anyone. They can be described as big-boned people with great potential to gain fat. They have toughest times during any cardio activities. It is almost as easy for them to add extra pounds than as it is hard for them to lose it. But on the other hand, if endomorph is successful at his workouts he will be stronger than a person of any other body type. And because these people were basically forced by circumstances to study about nutrition and follow a certain diet and training program to get into shape and stay in it – they hold the reputation of the most reliable source of information on weight-loss you can get. It doesn’t mean that they are always 100% right about everything. But in terms of knowing how not to put on extra weighs athletic endomorphs definitely don’t “take the cake.”
About the Author:
Zack Hargrove is an editor in charge of professional squad of essay writers. His colleagues are also willing to anyone who Googles “solve my chemistry problem.” Many of his topics are dedicated to music, fitness, education and ways of strengthening your scientific curiosity. You can find him on Twitter @zackhargrovejr.