The ocean is vast and mysterious. It is only natural for kids going whale watching San Diego to have some questions when they witness the sea in all of its majesty. Here are some basic facts the kids will find fun that they can use to impress all of their friends the next time they are at school.
Most of Earth Is Water
With over 7 billion people on the planet, it can be easy to assume humans can live almost anywhere. However, in actuality, land only makes up about 30% of the Earth’s surface. The other 70% is comprised of oceans.
The Tides Are Caused by the Moon
The tides are beautiful to witness. Some people can wash the waves crash upon the shore for hours on end. These waves are the results of the planet rotating around the Moon. The Sun’s gravitational pull also acts on the ocean water. It is these forces acting together that gives us the tides.
Whales Are Mammals
It can be easy to assume that anything that lives in the ocean is a fish. While fish certainly make up a large percentage of all ocean life, they do have to share the ocean with mammals. Whales, dolphins and orcas all classify as mammals. This is why they need to come up to the surface every so often to take in oxygen. The next time you debate gray whale vs blue whale facts, just remember they both fall in the same zoological category as dogs and elephants.
The World Has Five Oceans
In total, there are five oceans that cover most of the Earth’s surface. They include:
- Pacific Ocean
- Atlantic Ocean
- Indian Ocean
- Arctic Ocean
- Southern Ocean
If you ever need to remember the five oceans, then you just need to remember the acronym P.A.I.A.S. This acronym orders the oceans in size from largest to smallest. The Pacific Ocean is the biggest ocean on the planet, and kids can ace future quizzes by remembering this fun fact.
Most of the Oxygen People Breathe Comes From the Ocean
A lot of students learn that trees produce oxygen people breathe. While trees and forests certainly play an important role, a vast majority of breathable oxygen comes from oceans. The sea creates approximately 70% of oxygen in the atmosphere while rainforests create roughly 28%. Oxygen that comes from the ocean is produced by algal plankton, kelp and phytoplankton.
Humans Have Only Explored 5% of the Planet’s Oceans
It seems as though humans have already discovered everything there is to discover on Earth. However, over 80% of the ocean remains unmapped. Who knows what else humans could discover if they continue to explore the deepest corners of the sea? This is due to the immense degree of difficulty of diving deep underwater as well as the current limitations of sonar technology.
The ocean has the power to raise questions and spark the imagination. The ocean is a magnificent sight for children to see to get them interested in learning about the world around them. Encourage your kids to ask questions by taking them whale watching or sailing soon.
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