If you believe that you have all the right ideas about everything, it will be nearly impossible for you to learn any lessons from others. You will be hesitant to travel too far from home and the familiar. Travel can be scary at first because you will be exposed to many new things that don’t fit with your sense of correctness.
But what if your sense of correctness is incomplete? What if you really do have something to learn from other cultures? What if some of the best solutions come from societies that we don’t tend to investigate when searching for those answers? You will never know until you expand your search for answers to other cultures. One of the best ways to do that is through travel.
One of the best ways to travel is to volunteer and travel. By becoming a provider of service to others, you learn to open your eyes and see other people in ways that you can’t if you have no engagement with them. Once you start to truly and fully see other people, you will be able to learn the things they have already figured out. Here are just a few of the ways travel can teach you valuable lessons, especially with regard to your diet:
Learn to Work with Nature
It is a misconception that science-based solutions are at odds with natural remedies. The Found weight loss program, for example, is a science-based solution precisely because it works with your natural biology. At its heart, science is the study of nature, and is a method used to understand it better. It is not at odds with a study of herbs and natural ingredients.
Science does not have to be artificial to be good. Neither does your diet. This is one of the first lessons you will learn from travel. Your diet does not have to primarily come from a box or plastic bag. It does not have to be flash frozen for freshness. Cultures that are not suffering from an obesity epidemic are eating food that was naturally grown and traveled a shorter distance between farm and table. A diet that works with your nature is a diet that will work best for you.
Portion Control Is Better for Everyone
Portion control benefits everyone, not just you. The ways that portion control benefits you are obvious.
- You will eat less
- You will waste less
- You will not need as large of a power-hungry refrigerator if you didn’t use as much food per meal
- You will need less prep time
- You will save money
These are all good things that can make a difference to any family or individual.
But these are not the only benefits. Portion control is also socially responsible because if you are healthier, you will not require as many limited resources to maintain your health. More food will be available for more people rather than so much food going to a few. There is a lot less pressure on food producers. Healthier families lead to healthier communities. The thing about placing limits on portion size is that it almost never leads to feeling more hungry. You don’t feel as if you went to bed without supper simply because you didn’t go back for seconds. In many places around the world, one of the most obvious differences in culture is the amount of food on a plate at one time. It is an insight that can easily change your life for the better.
Lots of Little Meals
When you travel, you will notice that not everyone is married to the idea of three big meals a day. It is common for people to eat a lot of small snacks throughout the day with one big meal. Even that meal is not super-sized. This habit keeps hunger at bay and eliminates the tendency to binge. More micro meals win the day when it comes to health.
Travel can expand you in many ways. Learn the secrets of healthier eating from other cultures such as working with nature, better portion control, and healthy snacking throughout the day.