Some of us can be handed a new piece of tech and within a few hours understand it inside and out. On the other hand, some of us get lost when hearing about the most recent trend or product and wish we understood technology better. We might wonder how we can tell what technology will be useful and what really are just fancy gizmos that will give us more headaches than they are worth. Technology is important no matter what career we have and if we have a good understanding of technology, it can help us serve others.
Foundations Of Technology.
We all use technology each day without much thought. Technology helps keep our businesses running, our vehicles moving, and keeps us connected to others. For those of us who are interested in technology and how it can support our work there are a wide range of courses we can take online including everything from getting an entire Information Systems Technology Degree to watching a short YouTube video on how to use social media more effectively. For those of us who are interested in some of the applications of technology there are many public classes offered through libraries and places of higher education where we can learn how to 3D print, do photoshopping, or try our hand at creating a video that has the potential to go viral.
Technology For Business Owners
For business owners one key is using technology to connect with our customers. This can include using technology to make or market a business’s products or services. This can also include managing where in the sales pipeline someone is, finding a great point of sales setup, and having responsive social media so that customers feel like they are being heard. Without understanding technology, we will not be able to get our products or services to the customers we want to reach. Technology can help us serve our customers and clients.
Technology For Healthcare:
Technology has made it possible for much of the healthcare system to move into the virtual world. Technology helps doctors reach their patients at home, have all their patient files in one place, and monitor basic health metrics via a patient’s cell phone. This all means that doctors can provide better health care and be able to reach patients where they are and not have to wait for a patient to come in for an appointment. Technology can help us stay healthy.
Technology For Creative Fields:
Many of us who are writers, painters, and creators of any shape or size have learned the importance of technology for our work. Technology can help with the creative process by bringing ideas from across the globe into our homes. Technology can help connect us to others in the creative fields who we can collaborate with or get advice from. Technology can also be used to market our work and get our names out into the world.
In the end it doesn’t matter what role we have in a creative field technology can be a big help and help us spend more time on being creative and less time worrying about how to be creative. Technology also helps us connect with others who love the creative arts just as much as we do. Getting our work seen is no longer limited to institutions noticing us because we can blog, create websites, and have active social media sites no matter what we create.
Sharing Technology Skills:
Once we are tech savvy and have developed strong skills in technology there are many ways we can give back to others. We can volunteer at a local library and help people set up emails and navigate websites. We can work with after school programs and help teach students the skills they will need to succeed in the future. We can volunteer via several online platforms and help show nonprofits how they can use social media effectively. We can reach out to small family-owned businesses and provide training on various programs including content and customer management systems. Since few of us know everything that there is to know about technology it is important that we share our skills with others so that we all can succeed. Sharing our technology skills allows us to be of service to everyone.