Do you own a fashion company and are looking to update your website? A newly updated website is a great way to generate more traffic to your site and engage with new potential clients and customers.
1. Make Sure Your Website Is Working and Up-to-Date
You need to make sure your fashion website is still working and updated. If your website isn’t well maintained, there is a chance web search engines will pass over your site, and it won’t appear in search results. Some things you should make sure are up-to-date and are working properly include:
- Update plugins or themes
- Update missing or poor-quality images
- Update incorrect or outdated user information
- Broken links
- Broken features
- Formatting or style issues
- Missing or outdated content
While making sure your website is working correctly, you should do a thorough audit of your website. You will want to:
- Check each page
- Make sure each page makes a strong impression
- Proper organization
Before you make any changes to your website, you will want to create a backup, so you don’t lose any information.
The first impression of your website is the overall layout. You can look into a fashion web design by Crafted to help update your site so you can gain more traffic to your site. Hiring a professional will also help you to reach new customers or potential clients.
2. Create New and Update Existing Content
When you are updating your fashion website, you will want to make sure you are adding engaging, high-quality content. This will help to boost your search rankings and keep customers or clients coming back to your site. Your website should be a reflection of your company, look professional, highlight your product or service, and your layout should be harmonious and consistent.
It would help if you started by refreshing older content on your site. Consider updating your About Us section to let the readers know about you and your company. Start to write about new fashion trends, blog posts that allow readers to ask questions, and write as if you are an authority in the industry.
If your website doesn’t already have a blog, then you should start one or update your existing one. A blog is an excellent place for you to review new products, write about trends in the fashion industry, and keep customers and clients updated on what your company is doing. When writing your blog, make sure you allow for comments so you can engage with your audience.
You can create videos and infographics to supplement text content on your fashion site. You might want to use videos to give insight into your company. The videos you create can highlight and showcase your fashion line. Or provide a behind the scenes look at what your fashion company is building. No matter what you create, you want an immediate connection with potential clients or customers.
One of the most critical aspects of your fashion website is the images you use on your site. Make sure you use high-quality photographs of your fashion line or backstage or behind the scenes from a fashion show. The pictures you choose to use on your website should accurately reflect your company and what you are trying to present. Consider creating a gallery page that shows off fashion design projects.
3. Create a Mobile-Friendly Website
Your fashion website needs to be mobile-ready. This is done by using a collection of techniques that allow your website to flex and adapt to the size of any screen it is being viewed on. Opening your website on a small smartphone should show the same site as someone who opens it on a laptop. If your site isn’t optimized for mobile use, there is a chance search engine could pass over your site. Plus, visitors your site won’t stay on your website if they are unable to view it on their mobile device.
When you are updating or designing your fashion site, you want to consider developing your website with mobile-first in mind. With 80% of internet users owning a smartphone, visitors to your site will most likely be doing so through a mobile device. Plus, Google has found that 61% of people who check out a website on a mobile device will not return if that site is not optimized for mobile use.
You should take the time to open your site on a mobile device, try the site for yourself, and turn to a professional if you need help. A fashion web design by Crafted will help you make your site easier to use, and you must continue to update the site so that it can be used on current mobile devices.
4. Make Sure Your Website is User-Friendly
When updating your website, you want to make sure it is easy to navigate. Make sure to remove any distractions that might take away from the overall aesthetic of your fashion site. The website navigation should focus on getting the right user to move through the site for a must-have experience. Keeping this in mind, the load time of your site is vital. It will determine if someone will stay on your website or leave.
Try using a tool to find out how long your site takes to load like YSlow, Google Page Speed Insights, or Pingdom. These tools will help you determine what is slowing your site down. Some possible issues that could slow your site down include the size of images or the videos. Once you find out what is causing your website to be slow, you can make the necessary changes to increase your sites load time.
It would help if you condensed the menu on your website to make it easier for those who visit your site to find what they are looking for. Cleaner navigation makes it easier for the user to find things, and they are less likely to hit the back button. Consider offering some vertical navigation. If your site is long-scrolling, then you can try using an anchor menu. With one click, viewers will be able to quickly go back to the top, down to the bottom, or directly to any section of the site.
5. Get Social with Your Clientele
You want your customers to know who you are and be excited to use your product or buy a piece of fashion from you. A great way to get noticed is to get social with your customers and potential clients. Start by making sure you are active on all social media platforms. Once you have this up and going, you will want to add social media sharing buttons on your site. This will allow visitors to your site to share your social media accounts on their social media platforms.
Make sure you post consistently, and your social media accounts are always up-to-date. You might want to consider using a tool like Hootsuite or Buffer to schedule all futures posts. Also, you want to interact with clients and customers. Respond to comments, answer messages, like other people’s posts, and interact on social media accounts
When getting social with your clientele, ask them for testimonials. Customers are a tremendous asset to your company and can provide real-world testimonials and experience with your company and the product they bought. The customer might discuss how your company helped them save money, time, or how your product fits perfectly. Try reaching out to your best customers and ask for a testimonial.
Final Note
Once your fashion company’s website is updated, you will begin to notice an increase in traffic to your site, social media shares, and other perks that come with a new site.