New Jersey ranks as the state with the third best K through 12 education scores in the United States. This extraordinary Lehigh ranking shows the commitment New Jersey has to educating students that are prepared for today’s job opportunities.
Technology jobs are in abundance today because those industries that rely on technology are the fastest-growing. Computer technology, medical, aviation, End the internet only a few of the industries that utilize science-backed Technologies. As we move ever more quickly into the future, even more Industries are becoming science dependent exacerbating the need for young people who look to join the workforce, need to be skilled in the Sciences.
States like New Jersey have a major challenge because science is often a difficult subject to teach and to learn. However, States like New Jersey have proven that with a concerted effort you can graduate students who are excellent in the sciences. What is New Jersey doing right to achieve such good scores from the students? Here’s a list of things:
Attracting skilled and engaged teachers, educators and partners
New Jersey has a superior teacher recruitment and training program that ensures they get superior educators like Jay Eitner in the schoolss and as partners. Jay now owns a company that provides education tools to New Jersey teachers. You can learn more about what is company offers at the Jay Eitner site. Teachers are recruited but only based on their academic standing, although this is very important in the recruiting process, but also based on their enthusiasm and desire to teach young people. By using this element as a part of the hiring criteria, New Jersey is able to get not only certified but also motivated teachers in the classroom. Once teachers are hired their education continues not just in the subjects they teach, but also for teaching in general so that they are sure to have the latest teaching techniques.
Engaging parents in their children’s education
Parents play critical role and whether their children will do well or not in school. Engaged parents are interested in their child’s education and will be active and making sure that their children are doing homework and turning in important assignments. The school system also plans out many opportunities for parents to meet with teachers and school officials in order to interact with each other and discuss any issues that might be going on with their children.
Because parents are so active, students are less likely to drift. This process is very successful I keeping students on track, and having parents feel like they are playing an active role in making sure their children’s education is the best possible.
Placing a focus on science
New Jersey is one of the states that is always looking to implement new classes that reflect where the job market is and is heading. New programs like STEM have been embraced and as a result students are becoming more prepared to enter universities. With the training they receive in their high schools, they can quickly move into advanced studies when they enter a university. This type of Forward Thinking allows teachers to design class curriculums around a specific future that includes science.
New Jersey will continue to be a leader in K through 12 education in the US as long as they continue to place an emphasis on learning, recruiting quality educators and partners, and involving parents in their children’s education.