Breakups are hard, and if you and your ex have been together for several years, it can make things harder. Read more about handling breakups on this site. The thing is that your significant other can initiate a breakup out of the blue. You will wake up one day with the dreaded “we need to talk” text and wham, you found out that they have already replaced you.
Although you might be tempted to fix things by calling them every day or visiting their offices, these methods DO NOT WORK. If you stalk them or remind them about the sweet things that you did when you were together, they will just tend to ignore you and will not want to get back to you.
You see, every breakup is different. There are times when your ex-boyfriend just wanted some time to relax, and they won’t want to contact you for a time so that they can concentrate on their upcoming bar exams. There are also cases when they end up things for good because they have found someone better. Yes, these things happen, and these can suck at times, but you won’t have a choice but to let them go.
But there are times when the breakups are just temporary separations where both of you just needed the time to fix what went wrong in the relationships. Read more about fixing relationships here: You might realize some things when you two are apart, and you may want to give everything a second chance. If you want your ex to miss you, don’t make the first move yet. Instead, do the following things.
He Can Miss You when You Do These Things
1. You Do the No Contact Rule
The no contact rule means that you do not call, text, chat, visit, or message your ex for two weeks or more. For some people, they think that they can still get their exes back when they often call them and want to know how their day was. This doesn’t work as your ex might think that you’ve become a stalker and they will avoid you all the more.
When your ex-boyfriend does not receive a message from you, they can start to cave in, and they will want to know what has become of you. The space of two weeks will give them a taste of what it’s like if you are not already a part of their lives.
2. Do Not Text Back
This is a part of the no contact rule where you don’t text them back even if they have initiated the contact. The initiation can happen within a week or two. But this is only normal as they won’t want to experience the hurt when you start to ignore them. If you are confident that your ex-boyfriend really wants to give everything a second chance, you need to drag out the weeks for the no contact rule so that you can provide them with the sentimentality and the nostalgic feelings that they will experience if you are no longer there.
3. Go Out of Town
This one is for your rationality and his as well. When you go to another town or city, you don’t risk running into your ex. You won’t see the parks where you made your first dates or the restaurants where you two frequently eat. In addition to going out of town, new faces and places will give you a refreshing vacation that you need.
4. Make Improvements to Yourself
Aside from getting your ex to miss you, another reason to cut the ties is to make improvements to yourself. There are reasons why you broke up, and you might need some time to think about what you can improve on yourself so that if you two go back together, the relationship will last for good. You can enjoy a new hobby, cook, get out with friends, visit your family, or do everything that can make you healthier and happier. You can read this article for more information on how you can make your ex miss you a lot.
When your ex sees that you are happier without him, he will miss you more and will make an effort to become part of your life once again. Becoming too attached and overly dependent on a person can be unhealthy at times. You need to realize your worth and become a better person in the process of breakups.