Although modern medicine is wonderful, there are still times when natural remedies can be just as effective, and easier to access. When you know how to take care of illness using natural remedies, you can reduce the risk of an allergic reaction to a medication, and sometimes reduce your medical bills. Here are six common ailments that you can treat from home.
Treating a UTI From Home
If you have a urinary tract infection (UTI), many people want to know how to get rid of a UTI naturally. Fortunately, there are several ways to treat it at home. A UTI is caused by bacteria entering the urinary tract and multiplying in the bladder or kidneys. It’s very painful, makes it hard to urinate, and can cause long-term kidney damage if left untreated. The good news is that many cases of UTIs can be taken care of at home. For more serious cases, like with blood in the urine, it’s best to seek medical help and get on a course of antibiotics.
First, you’ll need to drink plenty of water. Not coffee, not tea, not soda, you need water. Drinking lots of water helps flush out toxins from your body and keep things moving along smoothly down there. Try drinking two liters per day while you’re battling an infection. You can also drink straight cranberry juice with no added sugar or filler juices. Some ladies find that using apple cider vinegar spray on their privates can also help alleviate a UTI.
Stopping Reflux
If you suffer from reflux, there are several things you can do to help reduce your symptoms. The first step is to elevate your head at night. A wedge pillow or extra fluffy comforters make excellent options for propping up the head and shoulders while sleeping on an incline. Next, eat less before bedtime. This will reduce the amount of acid in your stomach while also making sure that food isn’t sitting around digesting while you sleep. Apple cider vinegar is a great home remedy for heartburn. Some people also find that sugars and other starchy foods can cause heartburn. These are best to be avoided if you suffer from reflux.
Treating Earaches
Earaches are a common problem and can be caused by a variety of ailments, including infections, trauma, and allergies. While you should always consult your doctor if you suspect an ear infection, there are some simple home remedies that may help alleviate the pain while you wait for an appointment. Some people get total relief from garlic ear drops or mullein tincture. Both of them can help heal an earache or infection as long as the eardrum has not ruptured. Add a warm compress to soothe the ear canal for pain relief. Some people also get relief from fluid in the ear with regular chiropractic care.
Healing Scrapes and Cuts
There are numerous herbs that are great for wound healing. First, use unscented soap and water to clean the cut. Then use sterile bandages if it needs to be covered. Leave the wound uncovered, when possible, to increase oxygenation. This can reduce the risk of infection in the wound. You can use lavender oil or colloidal silver spray to reduce inflammation and improve wound healing.
Managing Headaches Without Medication
Some people don’t do well taking over-the-counter pain meds, but still suffer from headaches from time to time. First, it’s important to try and figure out what’s causing the headache. Stress, dehydration, and lack of sleep are all the most common causes of headaches. If it’s stress, take a walk, practice mindfulness, or do a quick Yoga flow to lower your stress levels. You can even use a heating pad to relax the muscles in your neck and shoulders. Drink more water and take a tiny pinch of Himalayan salt. This can improve your hydration and may help to reduce the pain in your head. If you can, take a power nap. More rest can help alleviate headaches as well.
Remedies for Bug Bites
Make a drawing salve to keep on hand when you get bug bites. This will draw the insect venom to the surface of your skin and causes less itchiness. You can also use ginger, peppermint oil, or tea tree oil on your bites. The extract from ginger root is a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial agent that can help to reduce swelling and pain from bug bites. Peppermint oil has analgesic properties, which means it can relieve pain. Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties that can help fight against infection if you get a bite while traveling or camping out in nature. Make sure you learn how to use these oils in the proper quantity before applying them to your skin. They should be heavily diluted with a carrier oil.