The great American Dad lawn, it’s lush, green, and tough to get. That said, it isn’t impossible. Today, we’re going to let the cat out of the proverbial bag and give you the top tips to getting the lawn you’ve always dreamed of having. Once you follow these tips, that lush, green grass will no longer be a figment of your imagination but will be a reality.
Landscapers in your area can tell you that when you water your grass can make it or break it. Watering the grass at dusk or in the evening can create an environment of moisture for your lawn that can be an invitation for disease. Watering the grass in the middle of the day when it’s hottest out can dry the grass out and leave you with a brown yard, regardless of the frequency of watering.
It’s recommended that you water the grass in the early morning hours to create the ideal environment for the grass to drink that refreshing water before the sun makes it too high into the sky. A good hint is if you can walk across the yard and see footprints compressed into the grass, it’s time for you to water it.
Watering Amount
No matter what your landscaping project might be, you shouldn’t overwater your lawn. The very best way is to saturate or soak it less often. When you saturate it, it allows the grass to drink the water slowly, and as a result, you won’t need to water it as frequently.
Cutting It
Regardless of the lawnmower you use, you’ll need to give your lawn a trim from time to time. Make sure your blades are set as high as they can go and only trim about 1/3 of the height off your grass. Your lawn will adore this, and it assists with the promotion of deep root growth while also preventing weeds from taking root.
Easy Fertilizer
One great landscape design tip is to fertilize your lawn. The most cost-effective and easiest way to do this is simply to leave the trimmings from the mower on the lawn. The grass will thank you for this by growing rich and green.
Fertilizer Timing
It has been recommended that you utilize actual fertilizer on a twice-yearly basis at the minimum. You should fertilize your yard once in the spring and then again in the fall. If you feel as if you have to fertilize it for a third time, do it in the middle of the warmer months.
In Conclusion
If you follow the tips you’ve read here today regarding how and when to water, fertilize, and mow, you’ll soon have the gorgeous green lawn that you’ve always wanted to have. It might take a bit of time and effort from week to week, but it will all be worth the time and effort in the end when you and your family can go outside and enjoy the fruits of your labor.