Ammcor is a popular property management company in San Clemente, Orange County, CA. They have received hundreds of positive reviews for their fantastic work and their dedication and commitment to their tenants and property owners. Here, Ammcor reviews just what the benefits of being a tenant are, which are quite significant.
Ammcor Reviews Equity and Investments
Making mortgage payments, so long as it is not interest only, means building equity as well. However, if there is a market downturn, you may actually be losing money. Being a tenant usually means spending far less money, particularly when you consider you don’t have to pay for maintenance and repair, insurance, and property taxes. Should you invest the money you saved properly, you would be able to end up with a lot more money than you could have gained in equity, even if the market doesn’t make a downturn. Owning a home is expensive, no matter how you look at it, and the money spent on those expenses could have gone to much better things, such as growing more money.
Ammcor Reviews Workload and Maintenance
One of the key jobs of a property management company like Ammcor is to perform maintenance and repairs on properties. Their tenants never have anything to worry about, something that their reviews clearly show is greatly appreciated. When someone owns their own home, however, they have to pay for everything, from dealing with the roof to managing the grounds. On average, people should budget between $200 and $300 each month for maintenance, which tenants never have to pay for.
Ammcor Reviews Liabilities and Taxes
Property taxes are incredibly expensive and going up. Whoever owns the land of a building has to pay the property taxes. This means that the responsibility to pay these taxes lies not with the tenant, but with the landlord. Property taxes can be several thousands each year, depending on how the county assesses the property’s value. These taxes are so expensive, in fact, that they often have to be held in escrow because it is almost expected that people cannot pay for them.
A tenant doesn’t have that liability, nor do they invest their own equity in a property. What this means is that they also have to pay for less home insurance, if they have to pay any at all. Most tenants only take out content insurance, which is a choice not an obligation. Content insurance usually only costs a few hundred per year. Building insurance, which is the landlord’s responsibility, costs far more.
Naturally, owning a home has benefits as well. It still offers a type of status symbol and it also means you have more freedom to do things such as remodeling or redecorating. Ammcor doesn’t suggest nobody should buy a home anymore. However, in areas such as San Clemente, buying a home is almost unaffordable nowadays and they offer a viable alternative that, as shown above, offers some tremendous benefits in its own right as well.