If you’re been thinking about how you can have a more positive impact on the world around you, reducing your carbon footprint might have been something that’s crossed your mind. However, many people aren’t sure how to best go about this, especially if they are wanting to find an environmentally friendly option that won’t be expensive yet will still have a great impact.
For many people, installing some solar panels onto their home or commercial building could be a great way to accomplish this. But before you go about doing this, you’ll want to be sure that the building you’re wanting to install solar panels on will prove to be a good match. To help you determine this, here are three factors that make your home a good candidate for solar panel installation.
Your Available Space
The first thing you’ll want to know before you seek to install solar panels on your home or commercial space is if you have enough space available to actually make the installation possible.
Now, not every available space on your roof or exterior walls will be a good candidate for installing a solar panel. Ideally, you’ll want to put your solar panels on parts of your property that will be sturdy, safe, secure, and get the right amount of sunlight. Otherwise, your solar panels may not be used effectively or they could quickly become damaged and cost you more money than they otherwise would.
Lots Of Direct Sunlight
When it comes to finding the perfect place to put your solar panels, you’ll want to consider how much direct sunlight the panels are going to be able to get.
If you’re living in the Northern hemisphere, you’ll want to have a lot of southern-facing space available for your solar panels so that they’ll get a lot of direct sunlight. But if you’re living in the Southern hemisphere, you’ll want to put the panels on a northern-facing area. Additionally, if your home has a lot of trees around it or gets shaded in another way, your roof may not be a good candidate for solar panels, as you won’t be able to get the sunlight you need.
A Properly Sloped Roof
The slope of your roof can also play a big role in how good of a candidate your home will be for installing solar panels.
Ideally, you should try to install solar panels on a roof that’s sloped somewhere between 15 and 40 degrees. This will ensure that your solar panels are able to get the maximum amount of sunlight during the day.
If you’re considering putting solar panels on your home or commercial space, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you know if your property is a good candidate for this.