If real estate investment is something that interests you then before you part with any money it is essential that you use this time to learn from the experience of those who have gone before. Ali Ata is a man who has spent his career in the real estate sector and he has dedicated himself to both sales and investment during that career. Ali therefore is the perfect person to share some tips on what beginners need to be aware of before they get started in their investments, take a look and make sure that you pay heed to what the experience man has to say, in order to maximize your chances of success.
Whole Package
A common mistake which new investors make is only looking at the property that they buy, rather than the full package. When buying a property it is essential that investors take notice of the wider area, the amenities that are close by and how the property fits in with its local environment. For example there is little point in buying a large family home if the nearest school is 20 miles away and there is little amenities in the small neighborhood. Crime rates are also a key area to look at, as people who are looking to buy or rent are also going to be paying attention to these statistics.
Pick Your Strategy
There are 3 main ways in which people make money on real estate, the first is buying cheap, doing work and then selling quickly for a small profit. The second way in which you can make money from real estate is to buy for a good price with the idea of renting out long term, until the property is paid off, and the final way that people make money is to buy with the idea of selling, but waiting for the market to pick up a little. The key will be to pick your strategy first as this is going to dictate where you will be investing your time, money and which area you will be doing research.
Cash Management
One of the most difficult aspects of real estate investment is making sure that you have a healthy cash flow. This is vital becasue when you buy a property, especially for the long term, you are going to tie up so much of your cash inside. This is why you can’t part with all of your money on a single investment property as you will then limit yourself in terms of having money for additional issues, investments or perhaps even maintenance. You must ensure that you have enough cash in reserve so that you can pay for any emergency situations when they arise. When you are looking to manage your budget, focus on this first as it will give you more flexibility in your investments and ensure that you are prepared for everything.
Three simple tips, but tips which can help you to make more money via real estate investment.