Summer involves more of swimming, camping and generally enjoying the sunshine. However, the warm weather also encourages the presence of unwanted species. These include the summer bugs and pests.
Summertime can be terrible for people with swarms of bees, wasps, midges, and fire ants around their homes and garden. Bites from summer bugs and unwanted pests such as bedbugs can be painful and dangerous. Some of these bites are associated with severe diseases.
When buying a house, you should ensure you are safe from infestation. A new home pest inspection is thereby advisable for your safety. This can help prevent pests or get rid of them.
Here are some of the most common summer bugs.
Fire Ants
Fire ants usually hibernate during the winter season. After the winter, you will notice an increase in the fire ants population number. These ants are generally on the look for food to sustain their colonies.
Therefore, it’s crucial to maintain a clean environment around and within your house. This is because they get provoked when disturbed and are likely to sting.
They invade houses looking for food. Make sure not to leave out any food that may attract them to your home. If the problem is out of your control, call up a professional exterminator.
Mosquitoes usually breed and invade during the summer season. They lay eggs on standing water surface. Standing water surface include; gutters within your house, swimming pools, bird baths, ponds, and fountains.
These bloodsuckers carry a broad variety of dangerous disease — for instance, Malaria. Their bites are very itchy and annoying.
You can avoid Mosquitoes by using fans, getting rid of unwanted sources of water, and applying bug spray on your skin.
They start popping up outside your house. Thanks to our furry allies, they usually don’t stay outdoors for a long time. Therefore, it’s advisable to incorporate the preventive treatment to your pest before the fleas get an opportunity to feast.
If you don’t treat your pests prior and you see flea bites, make sure you treat them immediately to avoid the fleas from infesting your home. If the fleas get inside your home, you are likely to be their next meal. Therefore, it’s advisable to call for treatment for pest control.
Termites usually swarm during the spring season. Although they multiply during summer time. To grow up their colony, the queen tends to lay up to thirty thousand eggs daily.
If you realize even a few of them in your home, make sure you have your house treated immediately. Failure to do so might result in extensive damage.
Grasshoppers are usually a nuisance within the summer season. They chew up plants and crops. If you own a garden or farm, they can do a great disservice to your plant crops.
Even without greenery in your home, grasshoppers can still be a threat since they can chew up through screen doors. If you realize they are becoming a problem in your home, it’s highly recommended that you employ pest control strategies before they chew up your indoor and outdoor spaces.
Bees are well known for stinging. They are active even during the summer time. They cause painful bites and can result in hazardous allergic reactions.
You can control bees by incorporating the following protection tips; wearing shoes when outside, closing trash cans, avoiding swat, getting rid of dirty patches, and avoiding sweet perfumes.
Ticks are potentially harmful even during summer time. They are well known for biting. They are mainly found on homes that keep cattle.
You can prevent the potential harm of ticks by wearing closed shoes, applying repellent, eliminating unnecessary vegetation, eliminating woodpiles, and debris.
Bed Bugs
Summer bed bugs are also well known for bites. They are active during the summer period. They don’t have a particular transportation mode.
Bed bugs hide and can be transferred from place to place in belongings such as books. Their bites cause anxiety. Once you realize bed bugs within your home, make sure you immediately employ pest control measures since they multiply rapidly.
Centipedes and Millipedes
Centipedes and millipedes are a potential threat during the summer season. They come in different sizes and shapes. They are excited to see, but you should keep a distance from them.
Both are known for bites. Their bites cause severe allergic reactions since they carry venom. If you notice centipedes and millipedes around or inside your home, call for pest control services.
Scorpions like the summertime environment. They like the dry climates, especially in deserts. They usually come out during the night.
You can prevent scorpion bites by ensuring your blankets, shoes, and towels are indoors when hiking. Scorpion bites come with swelling. If you get a stung, seek medical attention immediately since their stings can be severe.
They are so unpleasant. They are mostly found in homes. The organization of World Health determined that cockroaches are a potential risk since they are capable of transmitting diseases.
If you realize roaches inside your home, you should spray your house or use an appropriate pest control method. Make sure you contact a professional cockroach exterminator in New York before you have a big problem on your hands.
Spiders are active during summer time too. They have different sizes and shapes. Considering environmental conditions, you might come across, black and yellow garden spider, Carolina wolf spider, black widows, common house spider, brown recluses, and more.
Brown recluses and black widow are so dangerous. Black widow contains venom that is fifteen times more dangerous than of a rattlesnake. If you see a spider around your home, make sure you call for pest control assistance.
In case you get a spider bite, make sure you seek immediate medical attention.
Midges, also known as gnats, are very active during cloudy summer seasons. Although their bite can’t spread diseases, they can swell. Their bites are also itchy and painful.
To prevent their bites, you can apply repellent or use protective gear to cover your face.
They tend to bite during the summer season. They usually bite the upper body. Their bites are very itchy, painful, and uncomfortable.
Horsefly bites get swollen within minutes into large and red bumps. You can prevent their bites by covering up and using repellent. Although they don’t transmit diseases, their bites heal over a long period.
They like arid and hot climate. Compared to other stinging insects such as bees and wasps, yellow jackets have been noted to be more aggressive. They can bite humans.
Within June to July, they eat protein sources. They shift to eating sweet things when it’s late summer. Their bites can be harmful to allergic people.
You can prevent their bites by wearing protective gears and applying repellant.
They are included in summer bugs. They come up from the burrows underground once in every seventeen years. In 2017 they were so many.
You will see more in 2034. Cicadas are usually very noisy when they come out. If you notice cicadas around your home, make sure you inform the relevant pest control authority for action to be taken.
The harlequin ladybird bites the most. They are also active during the summer period. They are different from native ladybirds because of the white patches they have on their heads.
You can prevent their bites by wearing protective gears when gardening. You should try not to harm the harlequin ladybird since all ladybirds benefit the garden.
Flower bug
They include the summer bugs. They can bite humans. Their bites heal slowly.
You will mostly find them in gardens and parks. Their tiny oval body identifies them. Their bites aren’t severe but annoying.
You can prevent their bites by wearing protective gears when gardening and also applying repellent.
Wasps are summer stinging insects. They sting you and leave swollen marks depending on your reaction. They also cause pain.
You can prevent wasps’ stings by wearing closed shoes in areas with grass, covering patches of dirt with grass, tightly covering trash cans and avoiding applying sweet-scented perfumes. If you get stung and you realize swelling, make sure you seek immediate medical attention.
Summer Bugs Preventive Measures
Unwanted summer bugs can result in damage at your house and garden. Combine your households and figure out appropriate pest solution. There are several remedies.
You can use garlic mint insect spray to get rid or prevent pests from harming your garden. You can make this by, blending garlic cloves and mint leaves, then add a small amount of cayenne pepper and one drop of liquid used in dish-washing, then boil and let it sit for a night.
Other remedies include; using recycled grounds of coffee, dust mite oil repellent, the fruit fly trap, hot pepper spray, bananas, and tin foil.
You can also use other ridiculous ways to get rid of bugs. For instance, you can use a bug zapping racket, talking bug zapper, or a fly gun.
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Bye Bye Summer Bugs
Summertime is perfect for swimming, picnics, hiking, and other fun outdoor activities. But don’t forget that insects and summer bugs enjoy the warm environment as well. Their bites can be lethal and can spoil the fun.
Therefore, you should be so vigilant with preventive pest measures and observing keenly harmful insects around and in your home. This is important as far as reducing infestation by pests is concerned.
Please visit our blog for more facts and insightful information about pests and bugs.