Switching to sustainable products is a smart choice for the environment and the future. But, once you’ve decided to go all-in, what steps can you take to make sure that your efforts are honestly making a difference? Is there truly an eco friendly pouch packaging for you to switch to from your regular pouch packaging, and how can you tell? Find out what makes actions and products eco-friendly and how to check to see if your choices match up to the guidelines.
What Does It Mean To Be Eco-Friendly
Eco is a shortened form of ecosystems; ecosystem plus friendly suggests that something is friendly to all ecosystems. The term may also mean something is accommodating to all environments or nature. Some people also refer to being eco-friendly as being green, earth-conscious, or sustainable. Taking small but meaningful steps toward being more eco-friendly and choosing sustainable products is an investment in the future.
Switching To Sustainable Packaging
No one said it would be easy or perfect. Humans are creatures of habit. Sometimes, it may feel frustrating because it may seem like there is no suitable equal to the method or product that you were using before you decided to be more eco-friendly. The truth is, there are always other options. Even flexible packaging has eco friendly pouch packaging options. Stay calm and carry on. No one gets it just right the first time. The point is that you are trying to do better, make better choices, and be a better person. The fact is, that kind of change takes time. Switching to more sustainability is a process. Start by focusing on one aspect and then branch out to others areas of your life. Many people agree that switching to sustainable packaging is a manageable starting point.
What To Look For in Sustainable Packaging
Starting with sustainable packaging works for everyone because, in some form, the packaging is everywhere. The urgency of switching to sustainable and eco-friendly choices in packaging is not to be understated as landfills are at maximum capacity, and factory production often has a heavy carbon footprint. You chose an intelligent start, but how can you tell if you are making an eco-friendly choice? The top five ways to determine if your packaging is sustainable:
1. Company claims
Start with the company to see what it has to say about itself and sustainability measures. Stencilgiant.com is one company that uses ecofriendly boxes plus recycles delivery boxes to use for pacing.
2. Verify with research
Do a little homework. Find out if the claims match the facts found about the company. This part will eventually become second nature.
3. Media reports
Any features or whistleblower reports are noteworthy.
4. Check certifications
When companies are genuinely invested in sustainability, you can often find their certifications from verified sources. A website like Certified B Corporation is a great place to start.
5. Materials and practices
Disregard branding and look to materials and practices to learn the whole story. Look for materials like PCR recycled plastic for a more sustainable option.
EPac flexible packaging has various sustainable options that include PCR recycled plastic and eco friendly pouch packaging. If you or your business have additional questions about sustainability in the flexible packaging industry, contact us today.