In 2015, a Japanese employee, Matsuri Takahashi, jumped to her death as a result of Karoshi, the stress from over-working. Takahashi’s death is only one of many. In the aftermath, it was revealed that for decades, Japan had been experiencing death by Karoshi, but it was never talked about. In other countries, it was stress-related illnesses and depression. It wasn’t until 2015 that the Japanese authorities revised the laws on de-stressing at work.
Many other countries have since taken the effort to help employees avoid stress and burnout. While these efforts are still in place, they are not compulsory. Many employees and businesses still ignore them in a bid to meet up with deadlines. It is your responsibility to find simple ways to de-stress at work while maintaining your deadlines. Here is how.
Get a Head Start
Begin your day early enough to avoid rushing. Starting early affords you the time to exercise, run errands, and still make it in time to work. Urgency is one of the main triggers of stress. Avoid it.
Water is the ultimate source of life. The average adult is made up of about 53% water depending on their weight, age, and gender. Drinking enough water throughout the day refreshes your body and mind. It energises you and most importantly helps you stay healthy. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key to maintaining optimal performance at work. As a business owner, consider arranging health seminars for your employees and providing your workforce with a healthcare insurance cover.
Take Breaks
Find reasons to take breaks at intervals throughout the day, apart from your lunch break. For example, taking water throughout the day means frequent trips to the restroom, which gets you on your feet. Another effective means to get you moving is to avoid keeping food and drinks on your workstation. It will only make you less active. Instead, walk to the kitchenette or water dispense every time you need to drink water or snack. Honour your lunch breaks. If you are worried about missing deadlines, plan your day with a to-do list while incorporating break times.
Have a To-Do List
Writing a to-do list helps your brain work towards completing the tasks. It helps you stay on track and avoid distractions. Given that you work with others, you may easily get distracted by the surroundings or with new tasks. A to-do list helps you prioritise and avoid any unplanned urgency, which is the number one cause for stress.
Tidy Up you Space
Stress may not always come in the form of tasks and lack of time. Sometimes it is triggered by clutter. Tidy up your workspace. A neat and organised space tells your brain that you are in control and there are no worries here. You will not lose track of important documents which may cause you to panic, and subsequently induce stress.
Stress can lead to depression and other psychological illnesses. Practice these simple tips to help you avoid falling victim. You will be amazed at how productive you will be by the end of each workday.