There is no doubt that you will find volunteering at an A.A. meeting a rewarding way to spend your time. Let’s take a look at a few suggestions that will certainly be helpful.
First impressions do matter! Please dress up and wear either slacks, sweaters, sports coats, business suits, skirts, dresses or other appropriate business dress. It’s important to not wear jeans, sneakers, sweatshirts, sweatpants or shorts. It is also imperative for A.A. volunteers to be on time, well groomed and courteous.
When professional approaches the booth, stand and welcome him or her with a cheerful “good morning” or “hello,” as necessary. Professionals visiting an exhibit area are more inclined to stop at a particular booth when they are given a warm smile and a friendly greeting.
The following approaches are recommended as people approach the booth:
- “May we help you?”
- “Would you like some information on A.A.?”
- “Could we mail you some A.A. literature?”
When talking with professionals visiting the A.A. booth, Phoenix DUI lawyers note that it is important to let them know the following:
- You are not there to “recruit them” as A.A. members. Rather, you are there because you believe they may run into alcoholics in the course of their work, and you want them to understand A.A. as a resource.
- Those staffing the booth are all volunteers and members of A.A. This usually brings out some good questions.
- You are happy to answer any questions they may have about A.A. If you don’t know the answer to their question, you should then pass the question along to your Area C.P.C. Chair or to the C.P.C. Coordinator at G.S.O.
A few pamphlets are probably all anyone will want to take with them, as most conventioneers have been given material from other booths. Please inform visitors that filling out a mailing (P.I.) label will assure that they are sent free A.A. literature via postal mail. It’s important to note that our mailings do not indicate that A.A. is the source (for anonymity purposes).
You can display the books published by A.A. World Services, Inc., copies of the About A.A. newsletter, the About A.A. subscription cards, and the P.I. labels. After the event, the completed P.I. labels, About A.A. subscription cards, and an Evaluation Form are returned to the C.P.C. Coordinator at G.S.O., usually through the Area C.P.C. Chair or other designated C.P.C. contact.