We all have people in our lives who seem to mean a little more to us than others. It isn’t that we don’t love our other friends and family members, but these people stand out from the crowd. Maybe it’s a spouse, sibling, or the best friend you’ve had since first grade. Whoever your “best people” are, when it comes time for gift-giving, you want to make their gifts extra special.
Here are some of the best gifts you can give to the best people you know.
The Gift of Peace
Let’s face it – the world is a stressful place. Whether it’s just the daily grind of work and school responsibilities or the stress of trying to live a semi-normal life in the middle of a global pandemic, life is tough sometimes. What better gift to give than the gift of peace? A new, handwoven hammock, one of your favorite books and a bottle of wine should about do the trick.
A Quick Pick-Me-Up
Everyone needs a little pick-me-up now and then, and nothing perks you up quicker than a delicious cup of coffee. Giving the gift of coffee isn’t enough, though; instead, you need to give your special person the coffee experience. Whether you decide to go with a cold brew coffee kit, a Keurig or a fancy cappuccino maker, your friend is sure to appreciate it.
The Wonders of Technology
Most of us want the newest, most up-to-date technology, but we can’t always afford it when it comes out. If you’re going to go big with your friend’s gift, get him/her that new piece of tech s/he’s been wanting. Whether that’s the new iPhone 11, the Kindle PaperWhite, or the fantastic MacBook Pro, your friend will scream with joy when s/he sees the surprise.
The Best Gifts are from the Heart
If your friend is the type who prefers thoughtful gifts as opposed to expensive gifts, take that into account when picking out the perfect gift. “From the heart” gifts can be lots of things. If you’re crafty, you may want to make your friend something special.
It’s also fine to buy your friend something, but consider buying something sweet or reminiscent of a particular time the two of you shared together. Scrapbooks of pictures of the two of you are popular, as are things like blankets, stuffed animals, and other items made from old items of special significance or featuring pictures of the two of you.
The Gift of Adventure
If asked, most people would say experiences are often better than things. Instead of buying that special person in your life a physical item, take them on an adventure and make some memories together. This idea can fit anyone’s budget. You could take your loved one on a big, fancy vacation, or you could steal them away for a day trip somewhere they’ve always wanted to visit. Doing so will give you more time together and leave you both with memories to last a lifetime.
Whatever you decide to buy or do for the best person in your life, s/he’s sure to appreciate it. Mostly, people want to know you think about and love them, which can be accomplished in many different ways. It’s up to you to find the best way for your best person.